Posted by Retro-a-go-go! on 19th Mar 2020
Covid 19 Response
In these uncertain times, you can always be certain that Retroagogo! has your best interest in mind. Our job is to provide fun and novel products during the great times in life and the most stressful.
Please rest assured that Retroagogo! is taking every precaution stated by the CDC to keep both you, our valued customer and our Retroagogo! staff safe.
Although some of our employees are working from their home offices, we do have just enough staff to carefully and cautiously pack your products and send out your orders. However, considering the reduced working hours, please allow 5-7 days for your order to ship.
We are thoughtfully and frequently both washing our hands, using hand-sanitizer and there will only be one employee in the studio at any given time.
Your safety and our employee’s safety is of utmost importance and we will remain doing everything properly according to the CDC.
The Corona Virus is spread most often by respiratory droplets and does not survive logn on objects, such as letters or packages, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
We will post updates and share videos from the Retroagogo! studios intended to both inform you and hopefully keep you entertained if just for a little bit. We will continue to do our job which is bringing you joy. Whether you’re lonely and need to spend time with the Munsters or want to stare at another awesome Doug P’Gosh product creation, we’re here, the lights are on, the environment is safe and our thankfulness for you our customers is never ending.
We will all get through this if we are in it together and six feet apart.
Your friends at Retroagogo! Kirsten and Doug Pagacz, Maggie, Jen, Jon & Paige
Place an order and if you’re lucky enough you may just get a square! This precious thank you gift is included in random orders. Your support is helping Retro-a-go-go! hang in there during these VERY difficult times. And if Doug P'gosh doesn't make smart ass stuff, he will go crazy!