Product Details:
• 4.5” of Ghoulish Gore
• 0 Points of Articulation
• Removable Base
• Full Color Retro Display Box
• Limited Edition Colorway - less than 800 made!
"Totally Gnarly" absolutely fits this Mad Bride.
What a wonderful addition for my collection! As with all of the Tiny Terrors, not only is the figure terrorific, but the box art is to die for! Also, excellent service by Retro-A-Go-Go. The items were well-packed, and delivery to central Europe (not Transylvania) was quick and hassle-free. Five stars!
The Queen of the Lady Monsters is fantastic!
Long live the "Queen of the Monsters"! A great companion to her "Frankie" counterpart that I also have!
Awesome Bride
These Ghoulsville figures are great to display! With the Bride as the latest release, she does not disappoint in awesomeness!
She's Alive!
Wonderfully sculpted and painted! Safely wrapped in the coolest packaging. Always so fun to receive and open boxes from you fine folks. When will we get a Mummy and Creature in this series?
Great Bride
Great bride for good with all of mine other Monsters